Sunday, April 20, 2008

We receive funding from the government for Homeschooling where we live. I know it is a controversial issue, but we are at peace with it. Our family is entitled to less than twice what we pay in Education taxes, and that amounts to about a third of what we spend.

We have to tally the receipts and submit them in order to receive our funds. This is an excellent exercise. Otherwise, I'd never do it. I just added up the receipts for the last 13 months and I'm shocked. And dismayed. Truly, it isn't really that much, but I'm not sure if we can continue this way.
I have no idea how to cut back significantly.

On the other hand, except for the materials for Story of the World 3 (and an art programme which I may not purchase now that I've seen what we've spent) we have everything we need for the next 9 months or so.

I guess I'm going to have to pray about it.

1 comment:

Hen Jen said...

I keep thinking I need to keep track of what we spend, but then I am afraid to see it in cold, hard numbers. We homeschool through a public charter school, some of what we use is purchase through that program, so I don't pay for it...but then much of what we use I do buy because it is from a Christian publisher, or sometimes from a publisher just not on the vendor list. I love to buy curricula, I am sure we spend a lot.