Friday, December 19, 2008

Weekly Report

Weeks 9 through 16

Wow. Sorry to have disappeared like that!

I quit smoking on our "break week." October 22nd to be exact. As a result, I scaled school back drastically. We did only the bare minimum.

SWR. Finished up L6 which is technically the end of Grade One. (See p. 64 of Spell to Write and Read).

For Grade Two, Sanseri recommends you go back and dictate Lists J-L at the rate of two lists a week and then resume the pace of one list a week for the new material in lists M to O. So, we did all of J and K over again and L1. We'll continue with this plan in the New Year.

Lively Latin: Lesson 10 to almost finishing Lesson 12. If that seems slow, that's because I took a week after our break and did vocabulary and declension review. I am inclined to do the same again when we start back up.

None. We're still somewhere in Aesop A. This is not good.

SoTW2. Ch 33 to 42. Hooray! We did it. We finished on schedule! I tried to have the kids do a written narration for each section (as we were not doing any other writing). We did all the map work, colouring pages and chapter tests.



Dictation and Copywork:



Canada Map Book 1: finished it.
Canada Map Book 2: pp. 3-7

Canadian History Read-Aloud:
Section 1: Native People's Before Contact
Days 12-14

The Older: Finished Singapore 3B.
Singapore 4A, completed Weeks 1-4.
I am concerned about my son's being "behind," so I upped the pace, for now. We'll see if I continue this in the New Year when we're back up and running the full roster.

The Younger: Finished Singapore 2B.
Singapore 3A, completed weeks 1-3.

The Older
R&S4: Lessons 25-39

The Younger:
Finished FLL 1 (Hooray!! Excellent program, hated every minute of it!)
R&S3: to Lesson 20.

Assigned Reading:
I do not want to talk about it. I reduced it from 6 to 5 days a week for both of them and chopped 15 minutes off the older's time per day (from an hour to 45 minutes.). As a result, they did nearly NOTHING. Not that they didn't read: but it wasn't what I wanted hem to read.


I have my plans made up, more or less, for the new year. Just basically carrying on.

We are, however, going to take a break until Jan 5th. Honestly, though, I wouldn't really mind starting up again December 29th but my kids are too attuned to the public school schedule. I'd probably have a huge fight on my hands. Still, they are going to drive me nuts.

1 comment:

Hen Jen said...

we are taking a break till Jan 5th too, and we quit 2 days early, this Thursday, because we have guests and I need to gift shopping, because I am a procrastinator... soo, school's out early kids!

Good for you on quitting smoking!