Monday, March 16, 2009

On Breaks.

When we started school, waaaay back in August--it was after a summer hiatus since May. An eight or even twelve week break isn't uncomon: but it was after having schooled only from January to the beginning of May. The fall prior to that (2007) had been entirely lost.

It added up to a fair amount of inconsistency and as a result we got "behind." I didn't worry too much in the early years, but last fall I realised that was it. I was running out of time. We have to adhere to a fairly rigid schedule from now on, or this homescholing experiment will fail.

And so, after our Christmas break, I decided we needed to go for nine weeks straight--without a break. I don't like breaks. I am so scattered by nature that if I start something during a break (and I usually do, like cleaning out the basement, or planning a garden or some project or other) I continue doing it when it is time to return to school. So, I figured the longer we went without a break, the better our chances to "stick" with school.

But nine weeks was too long.

It nearly kiled me. It would have been fine, I think, if we had not had the added responsibility of caring for my nephew six days a week (and twice on Mondays, usually). I fell behind with the day-to-day tasks or keeping our home running smoothly. I fell behind with the thrice daily ritual of washing the dishes, and I fell behind with laundry. We're on a money saving plan where we can only eat out two times a month at most. I did manage to keep up with that.

So, we start back again tomorrow: this time with a big change, We're going to start getting up at 6:30am with Dad. We did this last fall and though it was a constant challenge and we never did settle into it, I think we need to try it again so that I feel like we will have accomplished something by the time my nephew gets here. On some days, when he comes for the afternoon, we may even be finished! I think the early morning expeiment has a better chance of working now, too. The clocks have been set ahead: and though it will take another month before sunrise is anywhere near 6:30am again, it will be getting up earlier and earlier, not later and later as it was last fall.

So, let's hope this new plan will keep us on track. Let's hope it will give me the time I need to get my chores done--and the kids' schoolwork completed before supper.

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