Monday, March 3, 2008

Ask and Ye shall Receive...

I have come across a plan for Read-Alouds. Yeah, yeah, I know, I probably seem really uptight to those of you who can wing your way through life with spontaneity and grace. Me, I just fall flat on my face without a plan, a guide, something to hold my hand.

I have found Tanglewood Tales. I'm not sure who is in charge over there, but they have some absolutely wonderful ideas--and tonight I'm interested in the Read-Alouds.

Firstly, the books are divided up into categories. (I love categories. I remember being so impressed when Wise wrote that she required her children to take out at least one book from a broad range of categories each time the visited the library, and I've wanted to do that, but I can't remember what they were!) Anyway, these are Tanglewood's:
Group A- Poetry
Group B- Fairy Tales
Group C- Animals etc.
Group D- Tall Tales
Group E- Regular Fiction
Group F- Science Fiction
Group G- Mysteries
(Group H- Historical Fiction- included in historical studies rather than literature)
(Group I- Biography- included in historical studies rather than literature)

Secondly, these are even linked--to lists! (I am excited. OK, maybe it's the sugar rush from my Eccles Cake. (What's an Eccles Cake? Don't interrupt.) No, truly, I'm a nut for lists, too.)

And this is THE PLAN:

Group A- Poetry: Study the works of (2) authors, have (1) anthology on hand.
Group B- Fairy Tales: Read approximately (1) fairy tale each week.
Groups C-G: Read at least one book from each of these groups

Strive for a minimum of one book for every month. This works out to be nine books each school year.

So, one from each category C-G is five. Add four more and boom dada boom, the planning is done!

No, (and I'm hanging me head in shame), I did NOT read to the kids after their baths tonight. It was a bit chaotic and the kids started playing a Professor Noggins game with each other. (What's Professor Noggins? Sssh. Don't interrupt.) Me? I was reading A Philosophy of Education. On-line. Ouch. It was not fun sitting here at the desk doing that.

So, what shall the books actually be?
I don't know yet.
I'll let you know tomorrow.

1 comment:

scb said...

This sounds excellent! Plans are good.

(And what an Eccles Cake is, is *good*, too. As I recall.)

Professor Noggins is someone I've never heard of. I shall go and google him.

My last question is, what is the weird smell in the office this morning? (Oh -- you don't know? Rats.)