Friday, March 7, 2008

Weekly Report. Week #9

The Highlight: The kids recited "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost for their Grandmother and Aunt today. My daughter did it prettily, my son did a more animated version with little actions throughout. My mother thought my son's recital "wonderful" which was too bad, really. I suppose he's making it "fun" but he does that just a bit too much. I'd been coaching him to "let the feel of the poem come through your voice." Oh well. I wonder if I can get hold of that CBC episode in Anne of Green Gables where Anne recites her poem? Then they could see how an "expressive" reading hits all the right notes (and none of the wrong ones).

The Low Point: We covered Clovis in SoTW this week--and Cartier in Canadian history. Both of them being Frenchmen confused the poor dears. "What did Clovis do?"

He discovered Canada!

No, no, that was Cartier.

And today, after covering Clovis and Cartier, we read about Sir Humphrey Gilbert and his ill-fated voyage to Newfoundland. After listening to my daughter and me hash out her narration, my son actually wrote: "Sir Humphrey Gilbert was sent by the King of France to claim Newfoundland for France."


I was cheered up though when, after remembering that, oh yeah, it was the Queen of England, he said, "but her name can't be Elizabeth. That's the name of the Queen now." I happily explained how Kings and Queens used the same name over and over. "There were eight Henry's in England and fourteen Louis's of France!" Eyebrows went up, I tell ya.

Good news: my daughter is loving math again. She's in that section in 2A where multiplication is introduced. She whizzed through the week's work and actually whined, "There's no more to do." I'm going to have to look into supplemental stuff for her to flesh it out.

Bad news: my son announced today that he "hates Latin."

That wasn't the whole week, of course, but you really don't want to read about every little detail, do you?

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