Monday, August 25, 2008

Day Off

Well, it was supposed to be!

This afternoon, my son saw that he was all caught up on Reading for Week 1. "I've reached Stop 1 already?" he asked not believing his eyes. (Remember the kids complete three stops and they can get a "prize" worth less than $10.00)

And I said, "No. See you are supposed to do a book report. Shall I show you what to do?" So, he sat down and did it.

Then, later on today, he wanted some computer time. I'd just finished writing up his "assigned" reading for this week and noticed two items outstanding from last week. He could go on the computer, I told him, when he'd finished reading at least one. So, he did. (Chapter 2 of The Ottoman Empire by Adriane Ruggeiero).

Then, this evening, while my daughter was waiting for Dad to take her to bed, I gave her a copywork sheet of "a" to do from The Learning Page. When she finished that, I suggested she do her book report. At first she said, "no," but then she said, "well, show me it."

I had to run an errand and when I got home I found it perfectly filled out on the kitchen table. Well, not perfectly. The Book report form instructs her to write two sentences about her book. She wrote:

My Book is oBout tow popel how get married.

(Dad must have helped with "married" don't you think? And that's not the word "how" it's "who" with the letters flipped.)

I think it's wonderful.
(Next time I'll tell her that spelling counts!)

I am greatly relieved to have those book reports done! We are to do one a week and I just didn't know how we'd fit them in.

1 comment:

Hen Jen said...

very cool, it sounds like you are off to a great start!!