Monday, August 18, 2008

Starting School Tomorrow

"You can't watch TV anymore, it's time to go to bed."

"But, why? You always let us watch TV."

"Not tonight, tomorrow we're starting school."

"Oh no we aren't."

"Yes we are. I'm going to get you up bright and early so we can start."

"I'm going to sleep in."


drwende said...

Like rappers, children talk big. But can they deliver?

No, they're getting up bright and early.

Feeling powerless creates an incentive for them to grow up and get the privileges of adulthood.

Hen Jen said...

actually, that sounds like the kind of conversations I have with myself. I anything if not decided...

we don't start officially till Sept. 2, but I keep trying to start my kids off with math and grammar, I keep getting one in, but not the other. Big sigh.

Alana in Canada said...

Wende--So it THAT what the gis is about?
I didn't know.

Makes a lot of sense, actually.

I'm the child, you see, who did my own laudry, helped myself to food when I was hungry and got my mother out of bed (when I could). When I became an adult, I retreated into irresponsibility as quickly as possible.

Alana in Canada said...

gis=gig. oops.