Saturday, August 16, 2008

School on Saturdays

We pretty much have to do it--the husband's days off are Sunday and Monday--so, I like to school at least a 1/2 day on Saturday.

We are not officially "back at school" yet--but the events this morning were most gratifying.

My eight year old daughter wanted pancakes for breakfast. Usually, this is easy: I have a recipe I use to pre-mix the dry ingredients and all she has to do is measure some out and add the "wet" ingredients.

Well, today, I didn't have any pre-made, so I asked her if she would make the recipe "two times." It's a complicated thing with three kinds of flour and both baking powder and soda. But she mixed and measured like a pro.

The kitchen table--where we usually "do school" looked like this:

She added some of the last raspberries:

It was absolutely scrumptious with just a drizzle of maple syrup.

I guess part of the secret to "doing school" is not to make it look like "school" at all.


drwende said...

I guess part of the secret to "doing school" is not to make it look like "school" at all.

Really, truly.

The joy in having a self-disciplined mind is realized in the ability to apply oneself to anything one wants to learn.

Certain basics like multiplication tables really are just unavoidable, drudgery or not, but they don't feel so bad if they're the path to bigger and more desirable answers.

Nikki in Niagara said...

We used to do the Sun/Mon weekend thing too. We've always followed dh's work schedule as our school schedule.

scb said...

YES! Math skills that mean something! (and end up in very happy-looking pancakes).

Hen Jen said...

We haven't officially started yet, that happens Sept. 2, but I am starting this week-tomorrow with phonics & math for the little 3, and grammar & math for the 2 older. I figure we will ease into it.

I am wondering if you are going to share your recipe with us? 3 kinds of flour sounds interesting and healthy.