Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend Prep.

I'd forgotten what work it is to prepare for the week!

I actually have a sheet in Word which lists what I need to do. Here it is:

To Do List
Weekend Prep.

--Select Bible Verse(s)
--type and enter into Memorization sheets
--type into Start write for copy work

--prepare Poem
--prepare poem for Copywork

--prepare other Copywork and Dictation selections (History, Spelling, Aesop &/or Reading selection)

--plan The Older and The Younger’s Aesop work

--Look up and request SoTW books
--write up the Older and the Younger’s assigned reading chart
(goal: "one biography, one science book, one history book, one practical or art-and-crafts book, and three books of their own choosing - stories, poetry, or nonfiction." WTM)
--run off selections as needed from FMMA and Baldwin.
--update Reading Logs

--run off worksheets for the week
--(as needed) Cut up cards for Latin vocabulary

--run off Meet the Masters Sheets
--find MtM prints on-line

--run off notebooking pages

--Type up schedule for the week.
--Cut and punch index spelling cards (5 cards of 2 colours)
--run off lined paper (10 sides)

It's astonishing to me how this just eats up the whole weekend. I'd like to put together a lap-book on insects for science but that idea is overwhelming at the moment.

Does anyone feel like there's just waaaay too much to do? Or am I just feeling that because we're not into the swing of things yet?

(And when am I supposed to clean the house?)


Rhonda said...

Alana: Here is an insect lapbook that might help you out. I did this with 12 4-7 year olds last year in co-op. I HOPE this cuts and pastes right.
Well, it did put the address on.
I hope that helps.

Alana in Canada said...

Thanks Rhonda! I'll take a closer look this week and see if I can figure out what to do!

Hen Jen said...

yes, I feel overwhelmed with the planning every week. Maybe I need a checklist like you have, that's a really good mind tends to wander and forget to do things...