Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Remember when I said there was nothing written about Botticelli for children (or words to that affect). I was wrong. There's a great book over at the Baldwin project by Amy Steedman called Knights of Art. And yes, there is a chapter on good ol' Sandro.

Here is a fantastic web image of The Birth of Venus, too:

The plan is the have the kids pre-read the above selection. Then, on Saturday, we'll read the myth from D'Aulaire, and colour the line drawing of the above painting courtesy of Dover's Art Masterpieces to Colour: 60 Great Paintings from Botticelli to Picasso. It's on lovely heavyweight paper--I even bought a box of watercolours!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

We're currently studying Boticelli for our artist/picture study. Thank you so much for the link to the book. I bookmarked it so we can read that this week.