Friday, February 15, 2008

Audio Files and Literature.

The Hare and the Hedgehog.

Last week I discovered two wonderful Audio file sites: Story Nory and Lit 2 Go. Both are free. You can import the latter directly into ITunes through the "store" and then go to "Education," then "University of South Florida," then "College of Education."

This week, I discoverd the Elson Readers with the Table of Contents on-line. These are not the "Dick and Jane series introduced by William Gray in the thirties. They appear to be authored by William Elson. See the post on A Review of Readers.

I'm always looking for ways to enjoy our time in the car: and I have children who won't sleep. So, burning CD's with selections from the readers seemed like a good idea.

So, here's what I found for The Elson Readers, Books 2 and 3, just in case you'd like to burn your own.

Book 2
Audio Files:

My Shadow-Robert Louis Stevenson
Lit2Go 3

Bed in Summer—R. L. Stevenson
Lit2Go 2

Lucky Hans—Old Tale
Hans in Luck by Grimm, Lit2Go 6

The Ant and the Grasshopper--Aesop
Lit2Go 4

The Dog in the Manger
Lit2Go 4

The Cow—R. L. Stevenson
Lit2 Go 3

The Lad Who went to the North Wind--Norse
Lit2Go 3

Who Has seen the wind?—Christina Rossetti
The Wind—Christina Rossetti Lit2Go 1

Jack and the Beanstalk—Old English Tale
Story Nory, parts 1 and 2

Elson Book 3
Audio Files

The Hare and the Hedgehog-Grimm
Lit2Go 2

The Miser--Aesop
Lit2Go 4

The Fox and the crow
Lit2Go 5

The Stone Cutter—Japanese Tale
Crimson Fairy Tale book; Lit2Go 6

The Jumblies—Edward Lear
Lit2Go 3

Farewell to the Farm—R. L. Stevenson
Lit2Go 3

A Good Play—R. L. Stevenson
Lit2Go 1

Nest Eggs—R. L. Stevenson
Lit2Go 3

The Sleeping Beauty
Story Nory and Lit2Go 5

The Ugly Duckling—Hans Christian Anderson
Lit2Go 3

I am so grateful to have these resources I am not going to complain about the fact that I couldn't find more. But if you can suggest sites with human readers of free literature: I would deeply appreciate it.

edited to add: I did find another source. I put it in link in a sidebar. And there's librivox, of course. How did I forget that?


scb said...

"I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me"...

These sound great!

Alana in Canada said...

You are so sweet to check this blog, scb. Thank you. It just lifts me up to hear from you!

scb said...

I wouldn't miss checking this blog! I find the whole process of educating kids to be fascinating, and you're giving me a front row seat! (Developmental psychology was my favorite in university, and I pondered becoming a Grade Two teacher. The thought of having to discipline kids put me off teaching. That and facing a whole room of kids that were not all interested, and not all at the same level but were all having to be treated and taught in the same way. This is showing me an alternative.

Thanks. (and I've just hit the "language arts" part of that book I'm reading, and it's really helping me begin to get a handle on the learning-to-read process.

I usually end up studying something in the winter months. Sometimes I consciously choose what I'll study, sometimes it just happens (it's never a formal course -- I guess I'm homeschooling myself). This seems to have serendipitously become what I'm learning about this winter.