Friday, February 8, 2008

Weekly Report #1

Sometimes, you just don't have a good week. Sometimes, even though you plan and get excited about it all, things just don't work out.

We had a terrific day on Monday. We started late, but kept on track all day. Tuesday was a wash. Completely. I didn't even read out loud to them. (Well, maybe I did, I don't remember!) We took Dad to work at 6:30 am, came home, crated the dog, made up the grocery list and then purchased a month's worth of groceries. And then it was veg-ville until my son't Tae Kwon Do class at 1:30.

I think we'd each had about four hours of sleep.

Well, Wednesday went well. (How's that for alliteration?) We were tired, but I was very proud of them. They worked hard.

It caught up with us Thursday, though. The kids could not settle at all Wednesday night (up until midnight)and last night was the same.
So, we only did about 4 1/2 hours of school on Thursday--and I'm panicking.

I decided to write up the weekly report for 2 reasons, though.
1) I want to focus on what we did accomplish, not what we didn't.
2) I want other homeschoolers to be reassured by our struggle. Of course, we're not out the "other side" of this yet, and you can't really make this bad week encouraging until that's done, but I have faith we will turn this around!

I shifted this to first thing in the morning and found a new cursive font for the oldest. He likes it. He calls it "robot writing."

The boy is still struggling to learn his poem, but it is going well. He likes to stand at attention and do actions while he's reciting and it's perfect. He only glances at the poem for cues--and he's too funny!

My girl amazes me with the speed at which she memorizes. She's got the first two stanzas down.

Latin is proceeding well. And they nearly have all their words memorized. It really tickles me to see kids aged 10 and 7 using words like magisterial!
Here's my son, practicing his latin vocabulary:
I thought it was a highly imaginative way to review his Latin. There were four more pages!

Canadian History: Whew, we finished up our extremely brief introduction to Native people in Canada and moved on to the Vikings today. Vikings really capture the imagination of children, don't they! I told my daughter she'd done a wonderful job on copying her narration and deemed it "blog-worthy" so, here it is:
As for Story of the World, we finished up Chapters six and seven. That was a relief! I feel so behind schedule with this!

Grammar continues.

As for Bible study and writing and science--I'm still struggling to fit them into our day. But this is about what we DID get done, not what we didn't. So, that's it, folks. I am utterly amazed at how smoothly the day has gone today. I wish I knew why.

update: Good Golly, Miss Molly, the girl finished her math in less than 1/2 hour and got 100% I looked for a calculator...but, no, she just DID it! (Yesterday, I was in despair. It took over an hour.)


Alane @RaH said...

I love your son's Latin drawing! We're just starting Lively Latin, and I hope it catches my son's imagination as it has yours!

scb said...

Both drawings are great! I can't remember a whole lot about what I actually learned in school at age 7 or even 10, but I *know* Latin and Vikings didn't figure into it. I'm impressed.

Now you can just keep going from strength to strength!

(I have such trouble getting my head around the idea of kids being able to stay awake that late. I was always zonked by night time. Still am. Although I often stay up too late, playing on the computer.)

Yay for getting math done in 1/2 an hour! And Yay for 100%!!

Anonymous said...

I think focusing on what WAS accomplished is a great perspective! :-) I think you did well for such a crazy week..and what wonderful drawings.

The answer to the question you left on my blog is the KJV Bible.

Lisa~ said...

Great week! Im so glad you decided to play! It helps with the perspective for us doesnt it... we can focus on what was done and just do better on what was not.

Have a great weekend! You had a great week! *Ü*


Michelle said...

I love the Latin drawings! Great job!

We are so behind on history also...might try to get through a couple chapters each week for a while...or we may have a SOTW-heavy summer!

Here's to a great week this week!